martes, 17 de noviembre de 2009

Tu ch'hai le penne, amore

Tu ch'hai le penne Amore
E sai spiegarle a volo,
Deh muovi ratto un volo Fin là
dov'è'l mio core,
E se non sai la via,
Co' miei sospir t'invia

Va pur ch'il troverrai
Tra 'l velo e 'l bianco seno,
O tra 'l dolce sereno
De' luminosi rai,
O tra bei nodi d'oro
Del mio dolce tesoro.

miércoles, 19 de agosto de 2009

Oh Haup voll Blut und Wunden

O Haupt voll Blut und Wunden,
Voll Schmerz und voller Hohn;
O Haupt, zu Spott gebunden
Mit einer Dornenkron'!
O Haupt, sonst schön gezieret,
Mit höchster Ehr' und Zier,
Jetzt aber hoch schimpfieret:
Gegrüßet seist du mir!
Du edles Angesichte,
Vor dem sonst schrickt und scheut
Das große Weltgerichte,
Wie bist du so bespeit!
Wie bist du so erbleichet,
Wer hat dein Augenlicht,
Dem sonst kein Licht nicht gleichet,
So schändlich zugericht't?

miércoles, 28 de enero de 2009

Heart in Chains

Your cold cold heart has drowned my life in pain
Your cold cold heart has tortured my mind and soul

You have never learned
To leave your prison
Your heart lies in chains
And who will break them
Your heart lies in chains

Maybe you will find a way to forgive yourself
Your cold cold heart has drowned my life in pain
Maybe one day you will find the peace for your mind
Your cold cold heart has tortured my mind and soul

It tears you all apart
Restrained emotions
You're denying all your feelings
And it will break you
You're denying all your feelings

Maybe you will find a way to forgive yourself
Your cold cold heart has drowned my life in pain
Maybe one day you will find the peace for your mind
Your cold cold heart has tortured my mind and soul

Your cold cold heart has drowned my life in pain
Your cold cold heart has tortured my mind and soul
Your cold cold heart made wounds so deep, they will never heal

martes, 27 de enero de 2009

Lost Soul

He took my soul
(Took my soul)
In his hands
My mind got dark
(Mind got dark)
In his hands

When did I begin
To follow the shadows
They fill my dreams with pain and sadness
When did I begin
To feel the sorrows
Then I laid my soul into your hands

He said sweet words
(Said sweet words)
With his voice
He seduced me softly
(Seduced you)
With his voice

When did I begin
To follow the shadows
They fill my dreams with pain and sadness
When did I begin
To feel the sorrows
Then I laid my soul into your hands

Once times were not so dark
But then the shadows took hold
Of my soul
Since then I feel
My mind's lost in madness

Lost my soul
In the dark
Lost my mind
In the dark